• 50 reviews
Search Result Previews
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Search Result Previews
Search Result Previews
Search Result Previews
Search Result Previews

Unleash Your Browsing Power with A Top Chrome Extension: Search Result Previews

Discovering the most beneficial Chrome extension to elevate your browsing experience can be a daunting task . But worry no more. We've done the heavy lifting for you and dug deep into the world of Chrome extensions , and the result is quite impressive: "Search Result Previews". This efficient Chrome extension boasts an aggregate rating of 4.32 stars out of 5, showing that this utility is a favorite amongst its users.

The "Search Result Previews" extension provides you with thumbnails and favicons next to each search result. This time-saving feature gives you a snapshot of the sites before you click, making your search more efficient. The extension is compatible with a plethora of search engines, including Google.com, DuckDuckGo.com, Bing.com, Baidu.com, and more. This flexibility makes it a versatile tool for various users with different search engine preferences.

What Users Are Saying

Users consistently praise "Search Result Previews" for its efficiency and ease of use. One user even stated, "Ajuda muito na hora de realizar uma pesquisa e evitar de entrar no mesmo site por enquando" highlighting its ability to help streamline searches and avoid repetitive site visits. Another avid user labeled it as, "ALL Browser MUST HAVE extension!" further emphasizing its necessity for every internet user. However, some users have mentioned that the thumbnails are often outdated, indicating an area for improvement.

Support Independent Developers

This Chrome extension is an output of the independent developer, Juraj Mäsiar, who has been crafting powerful browser tools since 2016. Recognized as an official friend of Addons, Mäsiar's objective is to build robust extensions that enhance your productivity. Supporting his work through donations is encouraged and appreciated.

Privacy Measures

Mindful of your privacy, the "Search Result Previews" extension has a clearly outlined Privacy Policy . The developer commits to respecting user data and ensuring that your privacy remains intact.


Finding the right Chrome extensions to fit your needs can significantly enhance your browsing experience. With the stellar rating and positive user reviews, the "Search Result Previews" extension is indeed a top choice for anyone seeking to optimize their online searching process. Try it out today and experience a new level of browsing efficiency!

Supports multiple search engines.

Developed by experienced extension maker.

Enhances productivity with search result previews.

Supports independent developers.

Improves search engine user experience.

Dependency on third-party services.

Privacy concerns due to data access.

Possible lag in search results.

May not support all search engines.

Adherence to developer's privacy policy required.

50 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
LaQuan Wunderman

Great, but sometimes it bugs with the google search results like below, please solve the error. Also is it possible to add an option to see search previews in dark mode? https://i.imgur.com/BzvBGVc.png

Owen Ganson

https://imgur.com/a/DxSVnLh Also, it only seems to actually work on Google (if even then consistently properly), which makes this useless to anyone using other browser (e.g., ones more user privacy-respecting).

Hans-Joerg Wahmkow

thumbnails are often several years old

PeVy (Pevy)

Very good that this project is being continued. However, the thumbnails / favicons should also update every now and then.

Gábor Klement

Oh my God FINALLY <3 I used SearchPreview for years. After it recently died, I was like "I will never search again. Ever." And now I find you! And it is even better than any previous preview extension! I would give more than 5 starts if I could. I hope you never stop working on this. It is incomprehensible why this feature is not fundamental in every search engine... You made my days man, love you --- One thing: an export/import function would be great (do the settings sync with google?) because I work in IT with lot of clients and they always love this preview thing. Although if I have to always set up for everyone... well... its a bit time consuming :))

Leo Ch

ALL Browser MUST HAVE extension!!!!!!! 5 STARs!!!!!!!! Had installed Group Speed Dial + Scroll Anywhere from Mr. Author!!!! Everyone may check other useful addon from author homepage!!!! https://fastaddons.com

Đăng Khôi Nguyễn Văn

Thank you, this app really good. Can this app show the popular or most access of website for each result in google search result page, like a color bar, maybe.

Adam Gerard (vlaad)

What a relief that this exists. Works perfectly. Thanks!

adm alt

Thanks so much for this Juraj. After learning Search Preview was dead, the thought of navigating without it was very depressing. So stoked with this torch carrying replacement. Search results appear so primitive without it.


Great expansion, but I have one request. I use [uAutoPagerize], but it only supports the first page, and the thumbnails are not supported from the second page. Please help me.

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